Monday, September 28, 2009

New Years Party!

So today was Yom Kippur, the most important Jewish holiday of the year. It's a time when we are supposed to reflect on the mistakes we've made over the year and create a new self for the coming year. And we're not allowed to eat.

Since my biggest flaw is being [more] lazy and unproductive [than I should be], I decided to wake up at 8 am and start sending emails. By 10 am I was already hungry, and by 11 I wondered how much longer I could go.

So I walked to Shul (a yiddish word for synagogue), to go to services. Save for a 10 minute sermon, I had trouble really repenting on a year's worth of wrongs.

After the service, I saw a friend that essentially preached to me for a half hour, the importance of yom kippor, observance, and repentance. She stressed that today, I needed to take the rest of the day off and reflect, rather than act on anything.

What she did not know is that this is inherently my fatal flaw; in the time to act, I am busy reflecting. My regrets from the year stem primarily from reflecting when I should have been acting. To right this wrong, I had to act.

The second I left synagogue I checked my email from my phone and realized that I had, while 'praying' received a few emails that I could reply to immediately. I read and replied as I walked to Rite Aid, where I bought office supplies (labeled as school supplies) for 75% off. I was breaking several religious mores simultaneously.

I went back to the office and tried to repent. It's really hard to repent. Instead, I sent emails and G-chatted.

I came back to my house and watched an episode of Mad Men and took a nap. I woke up SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Hungry. Why, of all days, would today be my busy day?

I got ready to go out. I was planning on going to breakfast at Moishe House and from there, straight to 9:30 club to shoot an event for BYT.

All went as planned. I got a nice Jewish girl's phone number, took a bus to the show, and watched "The Big Lebowski" on the big screen. I met up with (and had a free ticket for) my friend Robyn, a freelance journalist and awesome person. She had gotten to the club via Moped.

Afterwards, we had a few drinks at another bar, I met a few people who I'm sure are very cool but all I really know about them were their names" John (head of Bocce DC) Sigmund, and Kim, and Carter.

The clincher of the story.... is how I got home. I convinced Robyn to take me home on the back of her moped. Sure, it was designed for one. She had never tried it with two.

I held on to her tight as we sped down the streets. I leaned with her turns. I was exhilarated and daring. Despite the wind, our proximinity allowed us to talk to one another. Tears streaked across my cheeks as the cold air released pure adrenaline.


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Getting Awesome

Since no one actually reads this, I figure I can get personal.
In place of an unwritten entry, I'll just talk briefly about how I randomly spend two days in Baltimore. I missed my train, went to the ladies night, stayed up till 4am, and hung out the next day with MAD homies. It was awesome and I love charm city.

But yesterday made me love DC.

I'm at the office, sending emails and wondering what else I should do. Then I get a draft of the Vote Hemp weekly update, which happens to be practically entirely about me. I was flattered, then nervous, so I started drafting an email asking to not actually have a personal bio about me. My parents explained to me that having a bio written is a actually a good thing, and I should not avoid it.

Then, while I'm talking to my Mom, Dakota calls me. He reminds me about the Rattler show at the Rock and Roll Hotel.

The show was AWESOME to say the least.

Plus, I got the most EPIC photos EVER. Here's a couple, in case you don't believe me.

Rattler is a good old fashioned rock band. They drink copious amounts of beer on stage (3 cases actually, I asked the groupie in a miniskirt) and make sure there is a healthy sized mosh pit going, being fueled by the copious amounts of beer that they pour right in the middle of it. Their songs deal with themes of the rock and roll experience- doing nothing and drinking beer, and having sex with many women in an exploitative manner. They asked, "who's shitfaced tonight?!" to cheers, followed by "who's getting laid tonight?!" to just as many cheers but, I doubt everyone that cheered actually followed through on their 'Yay'.

After the show, I was astounded that I had taken such amazing pictures. Naturally, I used my fresh pictures as a networking tool to meet people and not seem awkward since Libby and Svetlana had already left.
I met a girl named Maggie that works in the local music scene, and her friend Erin Aiken who I bought the rest of her beer from for $3.25. Both thought they were VERY cool, as Maggie said, "I'm no joke". My crave to network was far from satisfied.
I randomly took a picture of a guy with cool glasses and an attractive woman laughing. They turned out to be a couple and he just so happened to be a professional fashion photographer. I chatted with Toni and Maya, ultimately trying to get a job with Toni. Whether that pans out or not, I made sealed a good impression when I showed Toni my lens case- a beer cozy.

I decided that I should start impressing the ladies with my pictures. The girl who before was grabbing my dick was now making out with someone else, so I decided just to walk up to people and ask for a lighter (which I actually did use. bad idea though, WAY to many cigarettes). The band came with a group of groupies whereing miniskirts, who it was assumed, submitted themselves to band gangbangs that many other girls in the concert were jealous of. I started talking to one of them, and showed her some pictures. I guess she thought I was cool, but, I would say that she was out of my league considering she had probably fucked the lead singer of the band right before they went on. She did pseudo-invite me to an 'afterparty' at velvet lounge, but my insatiable craving to meet more people held me back. As a cocky networker, I go up to the lead singer of the band, and show him the pictures. Not having heard of him before that night probably made it easier for me to shake his hand, as some people in the crowd would have probably eaten a beer bottle to do the same.

I decide to go upstairs and order a beer, and there is a legitimate dance party going on.
The bartender refuses to give me free drinks, but a band member has drink tickets. I tell him I'm a photographer and show him some of my pictures. He offers to buy me a drink, but I awkwardly don't know what he's doing and I actually already paid for two.

I bought a beer, but realized that a hot girl next to me was doing shots, so, I bought a shot to do with her. Our ephemeral friendship for the night was cemented, and I later met her friends and danced with her. We tried to go to an afterparty together, but by 3:30 am, there was no afterparty to attend. We loitered outside a church talking about what we might do, maybe go back to the one guy's house in VA. We are still flirting and agree that we are attracted to each other.
Due to my systematic avoidance of sexual encounter, decide that I have better things to do, like walk the dog or clean my room. So, instead of continuing the adventure, I agree to buy a girl Joanna (pronounced Yo-Hannah) a jumbo slice for a ride to AdMo.
Oops, I did it again! I made you believe... that we would hook-up... oh baby baby. Oops I fucked up again... I had such a chance, and then squandered it.
I'm sorry to the hot girl that I should have hooked up with. For the future hot girl who thinks I'm cool - prepare yourself for a great night.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Last Weekend

Last Weekend was Ridiculously eventful.

I rented a car and hit three cities in three days.
I started in DC, where I shot the last BYT pool party. I drove straight from the pool to Philadelphia, where I went to see my brother on his last day in the States. He was left for Israel the next day. Fortunately and coincidentally, it was also his girlfriend's birthday, so we all got to spend time with him in his last few hours.
When I said my final goodbye, I drove straight to Baltimore to see my alma-mater and my old friends.

I got to see so many friends, the Athenaeum, Fall Into Goucher day, more friends, my old room Freshman year, ..... I went on a good weekend because the next evening my friend had a cocktail party that ended up being a pleasant surprise.

Unfortunately, I drank too much too fast, and had to stay about 4 hours later than I had planned on. I drove home tired and hungry, so I pulled over three separate times to get fast food. When I finally got home, I crashed. I had a big week ahead of me.

Obama and the Pittsburgh Penguins

I got a press pass. I went to the White House. I met Mario Lemieux. I was there. Live.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Now that I am not obligated to only talk about hemp on my blog, I figure I can talk about blogging. or video blogging.

As a college student (Sophomore? Junior?) I took a call entitled "Pop Culture". The professor was a cult favorite, and I learned why in his class. Assignments for class were both easy and encouraged creativity. The readings were bestsellers that you pick up and read a chapter of whenevner you loiter in Barnes and Noble.

For my final project which required a 15 page paper and a 15 minute presentation, I decided to be a little ambitious by strongly incorporating it into my life at the time.

At the time, I was clinically addicted to Youtube. I would browse videos for hours, going from video to video and clicking "add to favorites" on whichever ones I liked (youtube came before I was familiar with Digg, Stumbleupon, or del.ic.ious.) Before youtube, I had already seen many of the sites that led up to it (miscellaneous websites that have funny pictures or videos). Now, all of the sites were in one place and under one interface, and I never even had to open a window to browse, litterally, the best videos ever. I could watch skateboarding, police chases, America's Funniest, or homemade greats, all in one place.

I did my entire research project on youtube videos. My research was watching videos that had lots of views, and analyzing and trying to explain, why these videos had so many views. Mind you, this was back in the early days of youtube, when 100,000 views was actually a whole lot of views. I can't think of a single video that had more than 2,543,643 views at the time.

This was the glory days of Video Blogging. Blogs had been a "new thing" for the past two years, but were being pushed out by the new technologies like, podcasts and youtube. Now, Vlogers could simply film themselves instead of having to painstakingly edit individual blogs (why am I doing this right now?)

Youtube, which did not yet know how to operate, was full of mediocre videos of American's filming their own monologues. Ones that stuck out were Geriatric 27, Lonelygirl 15, and any attractive girl dancing. There whis was also the golden era for complilation videos, already popular for quite some time. I predict that this was the predecesor to the modern "FAIL".

Anyways, ( I see why bloggers talk so much), I did a whole lot of 'research', ie, watching youtube videos. Then, I made a video about youtube videos. I posted it as "Red Tube, Blue Tube, iTube, YouTube". I was making a reference to the new applications in politics; the Hilary Clinton 1984 commercial, AKA Vote Different, had just been released.

Little did I know at the time that Red Tube is also the name of a porn site.

Whether the video was actually great, or internet users love porn, (most likely a combination of the two but I'm leaning towards the latter) the video ended up with over.......... One Million views.
(Dr. Evil pinky in the mouth, followed by evil laugh)

Then, Youtube took it down because of copyright infringement on the Red Hot Chili Pepper's song, "Tell Me Baby"(bastards). This was before they made whatever deal they made that they run now.

Well, I reposted it on Vimeo. More on Vimeo later.